Without sleep, we cannot function 🦁
Sleep restores the intrinsic systems; immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular - the latter being most important for fitness & bodybuilding athletes 🏋️
There are 5 stages of sleep:

CBD positively affects your sleep cycle and taken in higher doses (30%+), it can induce drowsiness, meaning better quality of sleep in less time.
In 1981, a study into the potential antiepileptic effects of CBD confirmed CBD promotes the somnolence effect, which suggests CBD is likely to have therapeutic potential for the treatment of sleep disorders, like insomnia.
Whether you are a fitness enthusiast / gym goer / athlete, your goals are your goals and you need a great recovery plan to maximise your rest, which is when the biggest gains are made 😴
Frankie (@frankieg.fit) has used Regain CBD for several months and noticed her sleep quality improved massively within the first week. "I use the CBD gummy rings and they improved my sleep from 4-5 hours to 7-8 hours."
CBD is an essential supplement to maximize your rest periods.If you need a better recovery plan, it is time to integrate CBD into your lifestyle 🏋️
2. If you enjoy a soak, use luxury bath bombs for the ultimate relaxation